Discovery: Career and Strengths Self-Assessments


Discovery: Career and Strengths Self-Assessments


This session serves as an excellent starting point for individuals navigating career changes, feeling uncertain about their current career trajectory, or contemplating choices regarding college majors or graduate degrees.

You will have access to 4 assessments to complete prior to our meeting and through a thoughtful exploration of your work values, interests, personality, and strengths, we'll uncover the essential components of an ideal career fit and identify environments where you thrive. During the Discovery process, we will work together to pinpoint and refine your career goals, ensuring consistent check-ins to track your progress.

One of the tools we use in this process is the CliftonStrengths assessment, which provides a comprehensive report on your strengths. We will discuss strategies for leveraging these strengths to maximize your potential in your personal and professional life. To learn more about CliftonStrengths, you can find additional information here.

*Following the Discovery session, many clients opt for at least one Career Exploration session to ensure a thorough review of all assessment results and to further refine their career objectives.
